
Cards (30)

  • What does the guardian's dominant image connote?
    • The railroad sign on Johnson's beanie would likely annoy a reader
    • The informal clothing he wears presents him as laughable and moronic
  • How does the Guardian use layout and design to appeal to a consumer? 

    • It places the main story, a political article, foremost to appeal to ABC1 professionals
    • It utilises secondary articles pertaining to arts and culture to further intrigue a sophisticated demographic   
  • How does the guardian use written language to appeal to a consumer?
    • The headline uses emotive language such as 'accuses' to evoke a sense of anger from the consumerconsumer
    • The producers make use of collective pronouns to make the consumer feel as part of the collective 
  • What does the sun's dominant image connote? 

    • The connotations of a clock indicate that time is running out to get vaccinated, putting pressure on consumers to do so
    • The iconography of big Ben appeals to patriotic, right-wing consumers
  • How does the guardian represent certain demographics? 

    • The guardian represents UK citizens as heroes through their contributions to the Ukraine war, thus appealing to and celebrating these consumers
    • The guardian represents the right-wing party as ludicrously inept  
  • How does the sun use layout and design to appeal to a consumer? 

    • The sun uses big, bold typography to appeal to their target market of consumers with low literacy skills
    • The sun positions secondary stories such as that of Brexit to maintain this patriotic and right-wing bias 
  • How does the sun use written language to appeal to consumers?
    • It uses militaristic language to portray people who get vaccinated as soldiers and heroes
    • The sun identifies itself as 'the people's paper' to appeal to working class demographics and the general population of Britain
  • How does the sun represent certain demographics? 

    • The sun portrays those who get vaccinated as heroes
    • It also portrays it's readers as helpers, and commends their readership
  • What is synergy in a business context?
    Companies working together for mutual benefit
  • What does merchandise refer to in media?
    Packaged products linked to TV series or films
  • What are the three primary funding models in commercial programming?
    Public broadcasting, commercial, and subscription
  • What is convergence in the context of media?
    Integration of different media platforms and technologies
  • What is the primary channel of the BBC?
    BBC One
  • What is the role of BBC One?
    To offer a range of programmes for a wide audience
  • How does BBC One receive funding?
    From the government and TV licence fees
  • What is the joint mandate of BBC, Ofcom, and the Royal Charter?
    To create high-quality programming reflecting UK diversity
  • What is the purpose of BBC iPlayer?
    To help achieve BBC One's programming goals
  • What are the goals of BBC One?
    • Reflect the diversity of British culture
    • Showcase Northern U.K. talent
  • What is a key question regarding British programmes?
    How do we know this is a British programme?
  • Who are some of the key people involved in BBC One programming?
    Key people include producers and directors
  • What is synergy in a business context?
    Companies work together for mutual benefits
  • What is merchandise in relation to film or television?
    Packaged products with film or TV appeal
  • What is required for offshoot merchandise?
    Endorsement by the production company
  • What are the three principal funding models in broadcasting?
    • Commercial programming
    • Public broadcasting
    • Commercial and subscription
  • What does convergence refer to in media?
    Merging of media platforms into single technology
  • What is the primary channel of the BBC?
    • BBC One
    • Offers a range of programme types
    • Aims to appeal to a wide audience
  • How does BBC One primarily fund its operations?
    Through TV licence revenue
  • What is the remit of OFCOM and the Royal Charter regarding BBC funding?
    Create a high proportion of original programmes
  • What does BBC One aim to reflect in its programming?
    The diversity of the UK culture
  • How does iPlayer help BBC One achieve its goals?
    • Reflects the diversity of Britain's culture
    • Showcases narratives featuring U.K. talent