Dosage: optimum 150 mins per week in adults; 60 min per day in children has proven efficacy
Even low doses have been shown to have benefits
Advice to start with low dose & advance as tolerated
A Drug Called Exercise:
Indications & Usage:
Prevent obesity & mitigate its risks
Reduce development & improve management of diabetes
Prevent & treat heart disease
Lower risk of cancer (breast & colon)
Treatment of hypertension
Prevent osteoporosis & fractures
Manage depression & anxiety
Reduce risk of dementia
Recreational uses
Decrease risk of premature death
A Drug Called Exercise - Dose Response Curve:
If sedentary & start PA, big increase in initial weeks where most gains are made (no matter clinical background)
Still some small improvements but will plateau
More PA you do more risk & harms as well
Recommended range good balance
Exercise is a wonder drug, Physicians should prescribe, Patients should take!
Exercise is Medicine that can prevent & treat chronic disease & those who take it live longer
If there was a pill that conferred the proven health benefits of exercise, physicians would prescribe it to every patient & healthcare systems would find a way to make sure every patient had access to this wonder drug
Everyone has some access to PA gotta think of best way to incorporate that
Exercise Capacity Spectrum in Health & Disease:
<18 most likely not living independently
If have 14 threshold for poor prognosis
Important for clinical
If need surgery, need specific VO2 max to recover from that surgery
If under 14 most likely not have enough ex capacity to recover from surgery
Have prehabilitation before surgery to get into better shape so can recover from surgery
What is Clinical Exercise Physiology?
How one’s ability to exercise is affected by a chronic disease or health problem
How exercise training can be used to treat chronic disease
2 aspects:
1) how to do it safely; & how disease affects their exercise
Clinical Exercise Physiology:
In 60s told just to rest = is detrimental to health
Still the belief for some older people
eg of good: after heart attack best thing can do is actually beneficial
Now even bigger shift
Rehab right after
Takes long time to get there
Clinical Exercise Physiology focus on:
Exercise Prescription
Behaviours Medicine
Disease Patho-physiology
When Designing ExRx for Clinical Populations… have to consider safety:
Take into account client’s needs
Set the goals
Design a comprehensive ExRx to have effects on different components of health-related fitness
Follow current ExRx guidelines
Select appropriate exercise modes & intensity
Start low, progress slow (very important)
Monitor for signs & symptoms of exercise intolerance
Take into account special considerations
Clinical more focus on guidelines esp major societies (cancer society, have specific evidence based guidelines)
Aerobic training in clinical: special considerations
Initial fitness level
Important thresholds
Some things not suitable
Increase risk of injury with higher intensity
Medical conditions
Medications (when dose & timing are changed) + side effects
esp BP lowering drugs have fatigue as a side effect → if take at 9am in at 10am = fatigued
Will have to adapt/change to suit that timing of taking meds
Individual preferences & personal goals
Target PA EE
Min = 1,000 kcal/week
2,000 kcal/week for weight loss
If weight loss important (for surgery) → monitor exercise tolerance
Aerobic training in clinical populations: special considerations
Monitor for signs & symptoms of exercise intolerance:
Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
Drop in blood pressure (if can’t measure don’t exercise)
Resistance Training in Clinical Populations: General Guidelines
Weight client can handle for 10 reps without strain
Perform 2 to 3 circuits:
As exercises become easier, gradually increase to 15reps
When can perform 15 reps easily, increase weight slightly & decrease reps to 10
Emphasis breathing during exercises
Valsalva manoeuvre increases BP majorly
For us is fine
Those already with high BP becomes very dangerous, so avoid valsalva manoeuvre (not breathing)
Resistance Training in Clinical Populations: Special Considerations
Monitor blood pressure, after & during resistance training session
Familiarise clients with equipment
Emphasise correct lifting technique - to decrease risk of injury
AvoidValsalvamanoeuvre (holding breath)
Breathe out (exhale) during the lifting phase
Breathe in (inhale) during the recovery phase
Controlled movement throughout ROM
Monitor for signs & symptoms of exercise intolerance
Instruct clients always to train with a partner - so if something does go wrong someone their to help
Benefits of PA & fitness in clinical populations - benefits outweigh the risks:
Pre-disease is reversible → have to be careful & take into account considerations
Being PA & fit very important for those who have clinically relevant risk factor levels or chronic disease
Benefits of PA & fitness in clinical populations - benefits outweigh the risks:
It is important for practitioners & their patients to NOT judge the health benefits of regular PA soley by its effects on conventional risk factors
Goes way deeper than that such as mental
Exercise is medicine!
Practitioners should counsel their patients that regular activity is beneficial weather or not it improves their lipid profile, BP, weight, or glucose tolerance
vBenefits of PA & fitness in clinical populations - benefits outweigh the risks:
PA is going to be beneficial no matter if it is immediate
Going to be beneficial no matter what
Takes a little while for effects to become a chronic effect