1) unlawful (unreasonable) use of land:
- Locality factor: LEEMAN v MONTAGUE- loss of amenity, 750 cockerels in residential area
- The duration of the nuisance- the more long lasting, the more likely it will be unreasonable- DE KEYSER'S ROYAL HOTEL- construction during the night at the hotel = unreasonable
- The seriousness of the interference- inconvenience v physical damage
- Inconvenience must be extreme or excessive. For a claim in nuisance, it must be extreme or excessive. - LEEMAN V MONTAGUE. D's action must affect an ordinary person or ordinary property. Sensitivity is ignored- HEATH v MAYOR OF BRIGHTON
- Motive and malice of D: Where the activity by malice, the D cannot argue that C is unusually sensitive. CHRISTIE v DAVEY: If activity is motivated by malice then the courts are more likely to hold that such activity is unlawful. Considered as revenge.
-Social benefit: if it's considered that D is providing a benefit to the community, the courts may establish the actions are reasonable. MILLER v JACKSON: the courts weighed up the use of the ground and the benefit of the sport to the community against C's use of their garden