circadian rhythms

    Cards (6)

    • biological rhythms
      • distinct changes in body activity that conform to cyclical time periods
      • influenced by internal body clocks + changes in environment
    • circadian rhythms
      • type of biological rhythm
      • 24-hour-cycle
      • regulates a number of body process
    • sleep/wake cycle
      • drowsy when its night time, alert during the day= effect of daylight
      • if light didn't exist- would we know if it was night + day and when to go to sleep
    • siffre's cave study
      • spent several periods underground to study effects on biological rhythms
      • deprived of natural light + sound (still had food + drink)
      • came out in September + thought it was August
      • did it again for 6 months- biological rhythms of 25 hours
    • circadian rhythms- other research 

      • Aschoff and Wever
      • pps spent 4 weeks in WW2 bunker- deprived of natural light
      • other pps- sleep/ wake cycle- 29 hours
      • suggests that natural cycle may be slightly longer than 24 hours
    • circadian rhythms- evaluation
      strength: practical application to shift work
      • mistakes made when rhythm desynchronised + poor health
      • economic implications on research
      strength: practical application
      • pharmaceutics applies understanding of circadian rhythms to improve drug effectiveness
      weakness: use of case studies + small samples
      • lack of generalisability e.g., Siffre was over 60 and small samples
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