circadian rhythms

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    • sleep/wake cycle:
      • circadian rythym
      • governed by daylight + internal biological clock (suprachiasmatic nucleus)
      • located above the optic nerve - provides info from eyes about light
    • Siffre's cave study:
      • spent extended periods of time in cave - deprived of exposure to natural light
      • free running biological rhythm settled to around 25 hours - did sleep/wake on a regular schedule
    • aschoff and wever:
      • spent 4 weeks in WW2 bunker - deprived of natural light
      • all but 1 (29 hours) displayed rhythms of 24-25 hours
      • suggest natural cycle may be >24 hours but its entrained by exogenous zeitgebers
    • folkhard et al:
      • 12 participants, 3 weeks
      • researcher secretly sped up time - 24 hour day lasted 22
      • 1 participant comfortably adjusted
    • core body temperature:
      • fluctuates throughout the day (36 to 38)
      • rises in day, falls at night, falls in afternoon
      • cooler you are = sip in cognitive performance
    • EVALUATION: shift work (adverse consequences when rhythm disrupted)
      • night shift workers - experience lower concentration at 6am (mistakes/accidents)
      • research for link between shift work + poor health - 3x more likely to develop heart disease
      • sleep/wake research may have real world economic implications - increase productivity
    • EVALUATION: improves medical treatments
      • rhythms coordinate basic processes e.g hormone levels - rise and fall in day leading to field of chronotherapeutic
      • aspirin for heart attacks most effective taken at night - heart attack more likely in morning (timing matters)
      • rhythms can improve effectiveness of drug treatments
    • EVALUATION: individual differences (cant generalise)
      • small samples e.g Siffre - cycles vary from person to person + zeistler et al found evidence of variation of 13-65h hours
      • duffy et al - people have natural preference for going to bed early + rising early (larks) = opposite (owls)
      • difficult to use research data to draw conclusions, limits external validity
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