Psychology & the Economy

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    • What are the implications of psychological research for the economy?
      • Psychological research can contribute to economic prosperity.
      • It may also impact the economy negatively.
    • How much does absence from work cost the British economy?
      £77 billion
    • How much does mental health absence cost the British economy?
      £26 billion
    • What are the most common causes of work absence?
      Coughs, colds, headaches, back pain, stress, anxiety, and depression
    • How many days are lost on average each year by a person suffering with stress, anxiety, and depression?
      12.5 million days
    • How many days of absence does a person suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression lose on average?
      24 days each
    • What percentage of people with schizophrenia are in full-time work?
    • What is the percentage of full-time working mothers with a child under 1?
    • What is the percentage of part-time working fathers with a child under 1?
    • What is the relationship between psychology and the economy?
      • Psychology contributes to the development, promotion, and application for public good.
      • It relates to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
    • What does economic psychology study?
      • Studies people's behavior and its impact on their economic lives.
      • Examines mental shortcuts like the availability heuristic.
    • What is the availability heuristic?
      A mental shortcut for fast assessments based on given information
    • How does the framing effect influence decision-making?
      Decisions can change based on whether a choice is presented as a loss or a gain
    • What did Tversky et al (1986) study regarding treatment choices?
      They studied how framing affected choices between two treatments for a deadly disease
    • How do different newspapers frame stories?
      • Daily Mail and The Sun: Negative framing, dramatic focus.
      • The Guardian: Neutral, factual, positive framing.
    • What is the purpose of the Behavioural Insight Team?
      • To produce research for better governance.
      • To analyze behavior to adjust or change society.
    • How can the placement of junk food in supermarkets influence behavior?
      Placing junk food at eye level can increase its purchase
    • How can changing the language on debt letters encourage payment?
      Using personalized, handwritten notes can increase response rates
    • What is the impact of changing organ donation policies?
      Opt-out policies can increase registration rates
    • What is the highest impact statement for organ donation registration?
      “Would you have one?”
    • How can research into attachment benefit the economy?
      • Highlights the importance of emotional care in early childhood.
      • Can lead to better outcomes and productivity.
    • How does research into stress impact the economy?
      • Helps cope with life and workplace stress.
      • Increases productivity and reduces unnecessary absence.
    • How can understanding social influence improve behavior?
      • Can reduce drink driving and smoking.
      • Raises awareness of domestic violence.
    • How do drug therapy and talking therapies benefit the economy?
      • Research into effectiveness can lead to better treatment outcomes.
      • Reduces healthcare costs and improves productivity.