Biological Explanations

Cards (4)

  • Brain Sex Theory
    Gender dysphoria has a basis in brain structure as its found that the BST (A structure involved in emotional responses and sexual behaviour in rats) is bigger in males and has been found female-sized in transgender patient.
    ->This suggests that people with gender dysphoria have a BST which is the size of the gender they identify with, not with their biological sex.
  • Genetic Factors
    Found that in 157 twin pairs (96 MZ and 61 DZ) 62% of the variance could be accounted for by genetic factors.
    ->Suggests theirs a heritable component to gender dysphoria.
  • A03
    Limitation) Brain sex theory has been challenged
    MRI scans of transgender people showed a significant difference in BST size after taking hormone therapy. Also, in post-mortem studies it was also observed.
    ->Suggests that the difference in BST may be an effect of hormone therapy rather than the cause of gender dysphoria.
  • A03
    Strength) Other parts of the brain associated with gender dysphoria
    It was found that theres a large difference in white matter between males and females. In transgender patients the amount of white matter they possessed corresponded more closely to their gender rather than biological sex.
    ->Suggests that there are differences in the brains of transgender individuals.