Ultradian rhythm

    Cards (8)

    • How long does an ultradian rhythm last?

      Shorter than 24 hours
    • What cycle is part of the ultradian rhythms?

      Sleep cycle
    • How many stages are in the sleep cycle and how many are REM and non REM?

      5 stages, 4 non REM and 1 REM
    • What happens in stage 1 and how long is it?
      approx 15 mins.
      • person becomes relaxed.
      • state of drowsiness, a hypnogogic state where hallucinatory images can be experienced
    • What happens in stage 2 and how long is it?

      approx 20 mins
      • EEG waves become slower and larger
      • K-complexes are also characteristics of this stage, this is the brains response to external stimuli
      • it is easy to be awakened at this stage
    • What happens in stage 3 and how long is it?

      approx 15 mins
      • sleep deepens and brain waves slow down
    • What happens in stage 4 and how long is it?

      approx 30 mins
      • deeper stage of sleep than any of the first 3 stages. known as slow-wave sleep (SWS)
      • it is also hard to wake someone up in this stage
      • growth hormones are secreted
      • sleep walking, sleep talking and night terrors can occur at this stage.
    • What happens in stage 5 and how long is it?

      approx 10 mins in 1st cycle, builds up to an hour by the 5th cycle.
      • dreaming occurs here due to increased brain activity
      • body becomes paralyzed to stop us acting out our dreams
      • brain wave activity is the same to when we are awake
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