sleep pattern occurs in 90 minute periods and keeps repeating itself. Sleep is divided into 5 stages, each characterised by a differentlevel of brainwaveactivity monitored using EEG.Sleep is an example of an ultradian rhythm
stage1 + 2 of sleep cycle: this is lightsleep where a person may be easilywoken. In stage 1, brain waves are highfrequency and have a shortamplitude. These are alpha waves. In stage 2, the alpha wavescontinue but there are occasionalrandomchanges in the pattern called sleep spindles
Stage3 + 4 of sleep cycle: this is known as deep sleep or slow wave sleep. The individualwaves now have lowerfrequency and higheramplitude. It is difficult to wake someone at this point
Stage 5 of sleep cycle: the body is paralysed yet brainactivitycloselyresembles that of the awake brain. During this time, the brainproducesthetawaves and the eyes occasionally move around, thus rapideyemovement (REM).Dreams most oftenexperienced during REM sleep, but may also occur in deepsleep
One strength of ultradian rhythms is understandingagerelatedchanges in sleep. Slow wavesleepreduces with age.Growthhormone is produced during slow wave sleep so this becomesdeficient in older people. Researchers suggests the reducedsleep may explainimpairments in oldage.Slowwavesleep can be improved using relaxation and medication. This suggests that knowledge of ultradianrhythms has practical value