Cards (5)

  • what did Hare say about religious beliefs?

    Religious (and atheists) beliefs are blik because they affect how people view the world. As such they are inherently unfalsifiable but are not meaningless.
  • what did Hare say those who have blik do?

    they allow nothing to count against them. Sane bliks are meaningless such as religion
  • how can believes react?
    1. treat them as a provisional hypothesis and discard if experience tells against them (belief has little value)
    2. treat them as vacucus formulae to and which makes difference to life (but then faith is not rational nor realistic)
    3. treat them as significant articles of faith (not easily discarded but recognised as being open to challenge)
  • how did Hare go further with Flew's argument?

    religious language failed to make meaningful claims. religious language claims should not be seen as truth claims in a cognitive sense.
  • what are expressions of bliks?

    a way of/framework for looking at the world e.g example of paranoid lunatic