A Wider View

Cards (10)

  • A Wider View
    1. Last line of second stanza: claustrophobic, oppressive environment in industrial Leeds 
    2. Evokes contemporary perspective: speaker can have 'a wider view' of hindsight/peer into the past
  • 'my great-great-grandad searched for spaces / in the smoke-filled sky to stack his dreams'
    'great-great-grandad' - Implied 1st generation immigrant, sibilance
    'smoke-filled sky' - Industrial pollution / occluded; couldn't achieve dreams / pathetic fallacy
  • 'In eighteen sixty-nine, eyes dry with dust / from twelve hours combing flax..'

    'eyes dry with dust' implies industrial workplace/effect of pollution
    Suggests endurance and arduousness of working life
  • 'he craved the comfort of a wider view.'
    Desperate to see more of life than what he is limited to in Leeds, highlights claustrophobic atmosphere
  • 'drew his sights beyond the limits of his working life / drowned the din of engines, looms and shuttles'

    Architecture provides him with something to connect to and find peace from overwhelming industry.
    'engines, looms and shuttles' - Cacophony of sound and machinery
  • 'the red-brick vaults / being to moan as time, collapsing in the River Aire'
    Ancestry is not bound by time, architecture/heritage sites helps them to connect
    Personification to allow audience understand the connection to objects
  • 'We stand now, timeless in the flux of time'

    Change of pronouns: Brings them together to unity
    Metaphysics: Not bound by time, ancestry is powerful
  • 'while the curve of past and future generations / arcs between us'

    Timeless imagery and metaphor, no matter how far apart they will always be connected as they view and admire the same heritage sites/architecture that brings them together
  • Each stanza with five lines except fourth stanza: Temporal axis, shift in time (past - present - outside time) and connection
    Unrhymed free verse: Not bounded by rules (of time)
  • Themes:
    Nature, connection, heritage, metaphysics, oppression, industrialisation, metaphysics