in the beginning, vietnam is misspelled, showing the ignorance of the american society
what do they people in the poem appreciate?
beauty + simplicity of nature
communication + beauty of words
who is the author?
denise levertov
anti-war activist with a jewish father
nurse in ww2
what does the end of the poem highlight?
not only the end of war but also the end of vietnam
"lanterns of stone"
lanterns made out of stone suggests an ancientcivilisation (stone is a material which takes millennia to wear down). However, later in the poem, we will see the culture'sdestruction is almost instantaneous, "there was onlytime to scream".
"their light hearts turned to stone"
hearts turning to stone could be interpreted as their deadening after somuchloss. It also reflects how the culture, once living has been petrified. It is now a lostcivilisation.
"whocansay? It is silentnow?"
the finalline refers back to the titlequestion "whatweretheylike?" After all this conjecture, the ultimateanswer is "who can say?" The tone of the last line is flat. This flatness is created by the monosyllables. Perhaps the tone is flat because the devastation and destruction described is beyond all emotionalexpression.
"rice and bamboo (...) peacefulclouds"
the use of natural imageryaids the sense of sadness and loss. The peace and harmony suggested by this imagery is juxtaposed with the brutalend the Viatnamesepeoplemet.