case studies and content analysis

    Cards (10)

    • case studies
      an in-depth investigation, description and analysis of a single individual, group, institution or event
    • who does it focus on
      • unusual individuals or events
      • more 'typical' cases e.g., elderly
    • case studies= production of qualitative data
      using interviews, observations, questionnaires or a combination of these
    • case studies take place over a long period of time usually
    • content analysis
      a research technique that enables the indirect study of behaviour by examining communications that people produce, for example, in texts, emails, TV, film and other media
    • coding
      the stage of a content analysis in which the communication to be studied is analysed by identifying each instance of the chosen categories (which may be words, sentences, phrases)
    • thematic analysis
      an inductive and qualitative approach to analysis that involves identifying implicit or explicit ideas within the data. Themes will often emerge once the data has been coded
    • content analysis
      placed into categories and counted (quantitative data) or can be analysed in themes (qualitative data)
    • case studies (evaluation)

      • rich, detailed insights
      • contribute to our understanding of 'normal' functioning
      • generalisation if sample is small
      • memory decay
    • content analysis evaluation
      • no problem with ethical issues, because it is normally materials that want to be studied e.g., TV, films etc
      • flexible- qualitative data and quantitative data
      • people tend to be studied indirectly
      • lack of objectivity