Sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments which have been eroded and then packed together underground.
Metamorphic rocks are formed when other rocks are transformed deep underground, by heat and pressure.
Relief is the height and shape of the land.
A glacier is a river of ice.
Erosion is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind and water.
Deposition is the laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice.
The three types of weathering are: chemical weathering, mechanical weathering and biological weathering.
Chemical weathering involves a reaction and generation of new compounds.
Mechanical weathering is the breakdown of rock due to exertion of physical force, there is no chemical change.
Biologicalweathering is the speeding up of weathering through plants, bacteria or animals.
The four mass movements are: rock fall, mudflow, landslides and rotational slip.
Rock fall is where bits of rock fall of the cliff face, usually due to freeze thaw weathering.
Mudflow is when saturated soil (soil filled with water) flows down a slope.
Landslides are when large blocks of rock slide downhill.
Land use is the term used to describe the humanuse of land. It is the purpose of land.
Dumfries, South Scotland is upland, and it's land use is forestry and residential. The Government set up the Forestry Commission 1919 after using so much wood in the WW1 trenches. This was beneficial because it produces morewood and benefits the economy and creates more jobs. However, it was negative because newlandareas needed.
Yorkshire, Dales is upland and is used for farming and residential use. It tells the story of Norse farmers and settlers in the 8th and 9th centuries. An advantage of this is that limestone is excellent for building with. However, the winters are very short and therefore the growingseason is short.
East Anglia is lowland, its land use is farmingfields. It was settled by the waves of European Angles and Vikings, who settled in communal villages. An advantage of this is that on the surface it is mainly till, which produces very fertilesoil for crop farming. However a disadvantage is the chalk below the surface is too crumbly for building on.
Upland areas are made of igneous and metamorphic rocks because they are more strong.
Forestry could be influencing the landscape due to an increase in wildlife, causing animals go trample the ground, biologicalweathering.
Farming in upland areas is more taxing than in lowland areas due to winters being much colder (because of high altitude) and therefore growingseasons being shorter.
Slumping is an example of massmovement.
the image shows an arete, an erosional landform.
The image below shows a cirque, an erosional feature
The image below Shows an estuary, a lowlandunglaciated landscape.
The image below shows a u-shaped valley, an erosional feature.
The image below shows boulder clay, a Depositional landform.
The image below shows a drumlin, a Depositional landform.
The drawing below shows an erratic, a Depositional landform.
Glaciers shape the landscape through: aretes, cirques, estuaries, u-shaped valleys, boulder clay, drumlins and erratics