Nervous system

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Cards (23)

  • what Is the CNS?

    The brain and spinal cord
  • what does the Brain do?

    brain provides conscious awareness and involved in psychological processes
  • what are the main regions of the brain?
    occipital lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, frontal lobe
  • what done’s occipital lobe do?

    processes visual info
  • what does the temporal lobe do?

    processes auditory info
  • what is parietal lobe?

    intergrates info form different senses
  • what does the frontal lobe do?

    associated with high order functions
  • what does the spinal cord do?

    transfers messages to and from the brain across the body
  • what does PNS stand for?

    perphial nervous system
  • what is the role of the somatic nervous system?

    Maintains communication between CNS and outside world
  • what does the SNS contain?

    sensory neurones, motor pathways
  • stage one of fight or flight
    amygdala is activated which sends distressed signals to the hypothalamus
  • stage two of fight or flight
    hypothalamus activates the sympathmedually pathway (SAM)
  • stage three of fight or flight

    SNS stimulates the adrenal medulla
  • stage four of fight or flight
    adrenal medulla secrets hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream
  • stage five of fight or flight
    adrenaline causes physiological changes to prepare body for fight or flight
  • what does SAM stand for?

    Sympathmedullary system
  • what is SAM?

    controls the bodies automatic responses refering to the adrenal glands
  • what is SAM?

    controls the bodies automatic responses refering to the adrenal glands controls the bodies automatic responses refering to the adrenal glands
  • what physiological changes does adrenaline cause?

    increased heart rate, creased breathing, pupil dilation