Definitions of Abnormality

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      Abnormality is when behaviour (thoughts/actions) is statistically uncommon/rare
    • One example in statistical infrequency is IQ. Really low and high IQ is considered abnormal
    • Normal distribution graph
      A symmetrical spread of data that forms a bell shape. Mean, mode, and median all at the highest peak
    • ✅ statistical infrequency
      • Objective way of defining 'abnormal' based on statistical data
      • However we need to make subjective decisions on what the cut-off point is for 'abnormal' behaviour before we collect data.
    • ✅ statistical infrequency
      • Real life application - used in clinical assessments to measure patients against a statistical norm.
    • ❌ statistical infrequency
      • Cultural bias - different cultures have different norms, so different statistical averages
    • ❌ statistical infrequency
      • Some desirable traits could be seen as abnormal, this requiring treatment
    • ❌ statistical infrequency
      • Labelling someone as 'low IQ' can be unhelpful especially if they're able to live a 'normal' life without distress to themselves or others
      Abnormaity is defined as any behaviour which breaks unwritten rules within a society/culture. (Every society has their own set of normal)
    • Deviation from social norms example - laughing at a funeral, homosexually 2017
    • ✅deviation from social norms

      • Real life application - used in clinical practice for things like antisocial behaviour disorder
    • ❌ deviation from social norms
      • Cultural bias - social norms differ around the world and within subcultures (e.g homosexuality or hearing voices)
    • ❌ deviation from social norms
      • 'Normal' changes over time (single mothers) and is influenced by politics
    • ❌ deviation from social norms
      • It can't offer a full explanation of abnormality because it doesn't acknowledge context
    • ❌ deviation from social norms
      • Subjective definition of abnormality which relies on the opinions of a singular society
      abnormality is defined as the inability to cope with the demands of daily life which results in distress
    • Failure to function adequately example - people with schizophrenia lack self awareness of their own disorder, they may behave in ways that make others uncomfortable
    • ROSENHAN & SELIGMAN'S criteria:

      1. Failing to conform to interpersonal rules and making others uncomfortable (observer discomfort)
      2. Experiencing severe personal distress
      3. Behaviour becomes irrational or dangerous to yourself and others
    • ✅failure to function adequately
      • Allows people to self-refer (real life application) - gives us a threshold of when we are unable to function and therefore able to seek treatment
    • ❌ failure to function adequately
      • it's difficult to define 'functioning adequately' as these are based on subjective observations
    • ❌ failure to function adequately
      • for example: psychopaths are dangerous but appear normal and show no signs of dysfunction (e.g HAROLD SHIPMAN, transvestitism)
    • ❌ failure to function adequately
      • Ignores context (e.g depression and bereavement both show the same symptoms, but one is 'normal/expected' for the situation)
      JOHODA(1958) says we are in good health if we meet this criteria:
      • Self Attitudes - positive self esteem and a strong sense of identity
      Personal Growth and Self Actualisation - extent to which an individual reaches their full potential
      • Perception of Reality
      • Integration - ability to cope with stress
      • Autonomy - being independent
      • Mastery of the Environment (particularly relationships)
    • Examples of deviation from mental health - anxiety, depression
    • ✅ deviation from ideal mental health
      • It's a positive and holistic approach that can be used as mental health aspirations and can be used as criteria for self referral
    • deviation from ideal mental health 

      • Very unrealistic and too demanding even for a healthy person. We can't measure personal growth or environmental mastery and it doesn't acknowledge that different contexts change our behaviour (breakups, failing exams)
    • deviation from ideal mental health 

      • a culturally biased definition - collectivists would aspire towards shared goals, not individualistic goals. Also, the criteria cannot be applied to other cultures as abnormality is not universal (e.g culture-bound syndrome)
    • deviation from ideal mental health
      • our perception of reality changes over time (e.g hearing voices was religious, now is schizophrenic)
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