Cards (38)

  • 1,836 people died
  • total property damage of $81 billion
  • costliest natural disaster in history of US
  • started in Atlantic ocean
  • hit Florida coast on the 25th August 2005
  • began as a low pressure weather system , strengthened to become a tropical storm and eventually a hurricane
  • New Orleans is located in South- East of the USA in the state of Louisiana.
  • New Orleans bordering states are Texas and Mississippi , next to Mississippi river
  • New Orleans's nearby oceans:
    • north Atlantic ocean
  • New Orleans is north of the gulf of Mexico
  • 26th August - 31st August
  • reached category 5 on the 28th August
  • storm weakened as it passed over Florida , no warm water to provide energy to the storm
  • reached Gulf of Mexico on 26th August , intensified rapidly
  • category 3 as it passed over Southeast Louisiana and Missippi - 29th August
  • New Orleans is vulnerable to damage by tropical storms as 50% of city is below sea level and in 2005 , some flood defences needed replacement
  • as hurricane made landfall , storm surge flooded coastal areas , reached up 10m in some places
  • New Orleans vulnerable to storm surges
  • protected by levees - 50 of these failed
  • levees failure = 80% cause of flooding
  • levee is a natural or artificial wall that prevents overflow of a river
  • 80% of New Orleans flooded , including 110,000 homes
  • 1 million displaced from their homes
  • number of deaths uncertain
  • damage to oil rigs and refineries meant that oil prices rose rapidly , affecting global buyers
  • many businesses affected , most insured - insurance companies making large pay-outs
  • areas such as French quarter in New Orleans were popular tourist destinations before storm , lost revenue as tourists stayed away following storm
  • storm unleashed flood of criticism for President Bush and his administration for how they handled the crisis
  • storm cost $200 billion
  • evacuation ordered 28th August
    • 150,000 remained in city
  • those who stayed behind after evacuation went to Louisiana Superdome , basic water and food supplies for 3 days.
    • 30,000 ended up there , became overcrowded
  • after storm , looting occurred , National Guard sent to restore law and order
  • US Army Corps of Engineers arrived to pump water out of low lying areas of New Orleans and repair flood defences
  • US Senate voted to allowed $105. billion of aid during first week of September , $51.8 billion allocated from Federal funds on 7th of September
  • public donated $1.8 billion to American Red Cross
  • Red Cross developed their 'safe and well' software , made it easier to reconnect with families following 2005
  • people though response from gov was too slow , suggested poor Black Americans stranded in New Orleans was not a priority
  • Bush criticised for flying over the city rather than making a visit in the early days of the disaster