Postmodernism, micro

Cards (6)

  • Postmodernism
    • Society has economically, socially, politically and culturally changed so crime is subjective
    • Postmodernity = social fragmentation by risk, choice and uncertainty
    • Law is constantly changing due to rapid changing social norms and values
  • Grand-meta-narrative
    Main story, what it's trying to tell us
  • Postmodernsim
    • No point in trying to explain crime
    • Change in postmodern society brought cultural diffusion and globalisation
    • Human society > consumer society > crime is caused by individuals that can't satisfy material needs despite being surrounded by consumer goods > resentment to materially affluent
    • Crime can be part of lifestyle choice where influence of media is glamorised
  • Bauman, Liquid Society
    • Changed from society of producers to consumers
    • We can't measure crime as concepts and definitions are constantly changing, uncertainty, e.g. some crimes are more difficult to detect
  • Beck, risk society
    Postmodern societies = choice exposes members to risk
    1. Individuals obsessed with risk as tech opened us up to greater choice
    2. Developing tech brought problems like scientists contradicting each other's findings causing public to question science
    3. Loss of respect for experts = uncertainty > risk society
    4. Can lead to demonisation of groups and deviancy amplification, e.g. anti-vaxxers are demonised for not agreeing with science
    5. Inability to satisfy material needs in society dominated by consumerism > intensification of resentment to those who can
  • Foucault, social change
    Punishment used to be violent, expecting people to change the way they think
    1. Sovereign power = controlling people through threat of force, e.g. obeying in fear of punishment
    2. Disciplinary power = controlling people through surveillance expecting them to change behaviour, e.g. prisoners' are monitored
    3. Surveillance is everywhere, e.g. school, work
    4. Most people obey rules, know they're being watched, regulate behaviour in fear of becoming wrong person
    5. Constant surveillance doesn't improve lives