Homeostatic Systems

Cards (8)

  • What do homeostatic systems do?

    detect a change and respond by negative feedback
  • What do homeostatic systems involve?

    receptors, a communication system and effectors
  • What do receptors do?

    Detect when a level is too high/low, and the information is communicated VIA THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OR THE HORMONAL SYSTEM TO EFFECTORS
  • What do the effectors do?

    respond to counteract the change- bringing the level back to normal ?
  • What is a negative feedback mechanism?

    The mechanism that restores the level back to normal
  • What does negative feedback do?

    keeps things around the normal level
    (eg body temp usually kept within 0.5c +- 37)
  • Negative feedback ONLY WORKS within what?

    within certain limits - if the change is too big then the effectors MAY NOT BE ABLE TO COUNTERACT IT
    • eg huge drop in body temp caused by prolonged exposure to the cold weather may be too large to counteract
  • Control of body temp by negative feedback?

    • body detects temp is too high
    • effectors respond to decrease temp
    • body detect temp = too cold
    • effectors respond to increase temp
    • ??