Cards (8)

  • what are hormones determined by?

  • what are the three main hormones thought to affect sex and gender

  • what does testosterone affect

    the development of genitalia
    • some XY individuals have an insensitivity to it, which can lead to no external male genitalia developing which may cause them to be raised as girls
    brain development (prenatally and later in childhood)
    • supported by Bailey et al, gave pregnant women male hormones and their XX babies later showed more tomboyish behavior and more of an interest in male activities
    secondary sexual characteristics eg facial hair during puberty
  • what is the default gender
    female, a genetic male will develop only when exposed to testosterone
  • what does oestrogen affect?

    not the development of genitalia (default gender is female)
    potential to lead to a smaller brain size - Shi et al
    promotes secondary sexual characteristics eg breast development and the menstural cycle and pregnancy
  • what is oxytocin?

    a hormone that promotes feelings of bonding in men and women (the 'love' hormone)
  • what feelings does oxytocicn evoke

    contentment and calmness
  • what does oxytocin affect?

    in women its important in breastfeeding
    related to orgasm and faster wound healing
    in times of stress, it dampens the fight or flight responce