organisation and digestion -B3

Cards (31)

  • What is the purpose of bile in digestion?
    To neutralize stomach acid and emulsify fats
  • What are enzymes?
    Biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions
  • What is the lock and key principle in enzyme activity?
    Enzymes are specific and only work with certain substrates
  • What happens to an enzyme at its optimum temperature?
    The rate of enzyme activity is maximized
  • How do you determine the optimum pH for an enzyme?
    By mixing amylase with starch at different pH levels and timing the reaction
  • What color does iodine turn in the presence of starch?
    From brown to black
  • What is a tissue?
    A group of cells of the same type
  • What is an organ?
    A group of tissues that work together
  • What is the function of the digestive system?
    To break down food and absorb nutrients
  • What is the function of proteins in digestion?
    They are broken down into amino acids
  • What happens when starch is tested with iodine?
    It turns black
  • What color does glucose turn when tested with Benedict's solution?
    Orange/red precipitate
  • What is the role of saliva in digestion?
    It contains enzymes that begin the digestion process
  • What is the role of the stomach in digestion?
    It churns food and releases acid and enzymes
  • What is the function of the small intestine?
    It absorbs products of digestion
  • What is the role of bile produced by the liver?
    It helps in the digestion of fats
  • What is amylase?
    An enzyme that breaks down starch
  • What is lipase?
    An enzyme that digests fats
  • What is protease?
    An enzyme that digests proteins
  • What is the enzyme-substrate complex?
    • Formed when an enzyme binds to its substrate
    • Enzyme has an active site that is complementary to the substrate shape
    • Facilitates the conversion of substrates into products
  • What factors affect enzyme activity?
    Temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration
  • What happens to enzymes at high temperatures?
    They denature
  • What is the optimum pH for enzymes?
    It is the pH at which the enzyme activity is highest
  • How does increasing enzyme concentration affect the rate of reaction?
    It increases the rate of reaction
  • How does increasing substrate concentration affect the rate of reaction?
    It increases the rate of reaction until all enzymes are saturated
  • What is the relationship between enzyme concentration and reaction rate?
    Higher enzyme concentration generally increases reaction rate
  • What is the effect of pH on enzyme activity?
    Enzymes have an optimum pH for maximum activity
  • What happens to enzyme activity when the pH is too high or too low?
    Enzyme activity decreases and may denature
  • How do temperature and pH interact to affect enzyme activity?
    Both must be within optimal ranges for maximum enzyme activity
  • What is the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity?
    Increased substrate concentration increases reaction rate until saturation
  • What is the steady state in enzyme kinetics?
    It is when the rate of formation of the enzyme-substrate complex equals the rate of its breakdown