Cards (39)

  • Who created the first modern pharmaceutical medicine and in what year?
    Friedrich Serturner in 1804
  • What active chemical did Friedrich Serturner extract from opium?

  • How do drugs affect the body and mind?

    They can change how you feel, think, and behave
  • What are the 3 main classifications of drugs?
    1. Prescription and Nonprescription drugs
    2. Legal and Illegal
    3. Pharmacological Classification
  • What are nonprescription drugs also known as?

    Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
  • What are prescription drugs?

    Restricted drugs that can only be purchased legally when prescribed by physicians
  • What defines legal drugs?
    Substances that are not prohibited by law in a country
  • What are illegal drugs?

    Substances that are prohibited by law in a country
  • What are the pharmacological classifications of drugs?

    • Stimulants
    • Depressants
    • Hallucinogens
    • Narcotics
    • Inhalants
  • What is substance misuse?

    Intentional or unintentional use of prescribed medication contrary to directions
  • What is substance abuse?

    Intentional self-administration of medications to alter one's state of consciousness
  • What is substance dependence?

    A condition where a person relies on a drug to function normally
  • What is tolerance in the context of substance dependence?

    The need for more of a drug to achieve the same effects
  • Types of Drugs or Substances That Are Abused

    Dangerous and illegal drugs are not the only ones that are misused and abused; nonprescription or over-the-counter and legal drugs are also abused as well.
  • What are the substances that are abused?
    • Stimulants
    • Depressants
    • Narcotics
    • Hallucinogens
    • Inhalants
  • What are stimulants?
    These substances, also referred to as "uppers" are psychoactive drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.
  • What substances are abused? Why is it considered substance abuse?

    Its medical use for treating diseases DIMINISHED and MISUSE of these drugs INCREASED which resulted in DRUG ABUSE.
  • What are 2 examples of stimulants?
    • Cocaine
    • Methamphetamine
  • What is cocaine?

    It is a powerful stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant.
  • What is methamphetamine?

    It is a substance that STRONGLY stimulates the central nervous system
  • What are depressants?

    These are anti-psychotic drugs that depress the central nervous system. These substances SLOW DOWN brain activity. They are also called "downers"
  • Why have they considered the substances as abused?
    TOLERANCE to depressants can develop rapidly, needing larger doses to achieve the same effects. They may raise the dose to a dangerous level resulting in coma or death.
  • What are the 3 types of Depressants?

    • Tranquilizers - MILD EFFECTS used for anxiety
    • Barbiturates - MORE POTENT depressants used for sleep disorders and seizures
    • Hypnotics - STRONGEST of the depressants
  • What are narcotics?

    • These substances, also known as "pain killers" are drugs that slow down the central nervous system.
    • They are used as an analgesic to relieve pain, cough suppressant, and for treating diarrhea
    • Often prescribed by physicians
  • What are the 3 types of narcotics?
    • Opium - it is made from the seedpod of the poppy plants
    • Morphine - derived from opium
    • Heroin - initially developed morphine and is highly addictive
  • What are hallucinogens?

    These are psychedelic drugs that interfere with our senses, alter perception and cause hallucinations.
  • What are inhalants?

    • These are chemicals that produce VAPOR.
    • They deliver a very quick high, by sniffing, huffing, or bagging from balloons, aerosol cans, and other containers.
  • What are 5 examples of inhalants?
    • Rugby
    • Nail Polish Remover
    • Gasoline
    • Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas
    • Furniture Polish
  • What are the most abused drugs in the Philippines?
    1. Methamphetamine or Shabu
    2. Marijuana
    3. Cocaine
  • What is methamphetamine or shabu?

    It is a chemical substance that is an extremely addictive stimulant. This is also known as the "poor man's cocaine" because it is somewhat cheaper and easier to purchase.
  • What are other street names for methamphetamine?

    • chalk
    • meth
    • crystal
    • glass
    • ice
    • speed
  • How is shabu used?

    • Smoking
    • Injecting
    • Snorting
    • Ingesting
  • What is marijuana?

    It refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems and seeds from the hem plant, Cannabis sativa
  • What is blunt?

    When the user rolls the marijuana into a cigarette, called a joint, or removes the tobacco from an ordinary cigarette and then stuffs the marijuana into the hollowed-out cigarette. This marijuana-stuffed cigarette is called blunt.
  • What is cocaine?

    It is a powerful stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant
  • What are resistance skills?

    Resistance skills or refusal skills are helpful skills that enables a person to say NO or leave situation and not be forced into it.
  • What is peer pressure?

    It is pressure from individuals of a similar age or status that can influence someone to conform to be accepted or to belong in a group.
  • What are the following actions that can be used to develop resistance skills, especially when pressured to use drugs?
    1. Have confidence in saying "no" to drug use
    2. Give reasons for saying "no" to drug use
    3. Use the broken-record technique
    4. Match verbal behavior with nonverbal behavior
    5. Avoid situations of being pressured to use drugs.
    6. Avoid drug users
    7. Resist pressure to engage in illegal behavior.
    8. Influence others to have responsible behavior.
  • What are the alternatives to drug use?
    • Sports
    • Volunteering
    • Clubs or organizations
    • Hobby