How do you help at home

Cards (17)

  • débarraser la table= to clear the table
  • faire la cuisine = to do the cooking
  • faire le jardinage = to do the gardening
  • faire le lessive = to do the washing
  • faire le lit = to make the bed
  • faire le ménage = to do the housework
  • faire le repassage
    to do the ironing
  • faire la vaisselle
    to do the washing up
  • mettre la table
    to set the table
  • passer l’aspirateur
    to do the vacuuming
  • promener le chien
    to walk the dog
  • ranger
    to tidy
  • sortir la poubelle
    to put the bin out
  • nettoyer
    to clean
  • laver la voiture
    to wash the car
  • fare les courses
    to do the shopping
  • tondre la pelouse
    to mow the lawn