31stJuly 1794 - Members of the Plain fill CGS and CPS vacancies, indicates government direction.
1stAugust 1794 - Law of 22 Prairial (denied right to self defence)repealed, many held under it were released. Execution of key figures such as executioner Tinville.
24thAugust 1794 - Government reorganisation (less structured).
One revolutionary committee per department, breaking sans culottes power
Convention members changed monthly, limit CGS and CPS
Central government put in committees hands
New representants en mission to ensure Jacobin removal from authority
31stAugust 1794 - Pariscommune power reduced
18thSeptember 1794 - Church and state separated, ended constitutional church.
12thNovember 1794 - Jacobin club closed down and associated societies shut down.
24thDecember 1794 - Law of Maximum repealed
April1795 - Representants en mission abolished
October1795 - Law of Suspects repealed
By the end of 1794, moderates were in control of central and local government.
JosephFouche was an important Thermidorian, helping to secure Robespierre's 1794 fall.
The whiteterror - purges and campaigns by the Thermidorians against those involved in the terror.
Jacobins and sans culottes were attacked in the street by Muscadins (bourgeoisie youth). This group aided in removal of Jacobin newspapers and helped defend the Convention in May 1795.
Violent massacre in Lyons in May1795, Jacobin prisoners removed from cells and killed.
Tribunal used until May1795 as it was used to persecute Jacobins.
Returning emigres and royalists also posed a significant threat, some sought property and even monarchy restoration.
February1795 - Treaty of LaJaunaye with royalist rebels.
April1795 -peace agreed with Chouans (royalist).
Bans on religious dress, symbols and bells to quell hope for Catholic reinstatement. IGNORED BY CLERGYMEN, Convention had to reintroduce loyalty oath in February1795.
Thermidorians worked hard to quell foreign matters, victory at Fleurus in June1794 allowed Austrian Netherland recapture.
Success of the French army in Spain, forced Spanish peace in July. LEAD TO.. French army going east and reinforcing Alps armies which were facing Austrian allies.
Verona declaration of June 1795 - promised restoration of monarchy by Louis' brother.