in and out groups

Cards (14)

  • What is an In-group?
    A group where you identify yourself to be in
  • What is an out-group?
    A group who are not in the in-group and are stereotyped by the in-group
  • What do in and out groups form?
    social catagorisation
  • What did tajfel propose?
    Groups we belong in are a source of self esteem and form our social identity
  • What do we divide the world into and through what??
    “us” = in group
    “them”= out group
    Through social categorisation
  • What can social catagorisation lead to?
  • What is a sterotype?
    A view on a person due to their characteristics
  • What are the two ways stereotypes are formed?
    Social categorisation
    Social learning theory
  • How are stereotypes form through social categorisation?
    In and out groups
  • How are stereotypes formed through the SCL?
    Role models in our environment (parents and friends)
  • What are the positive effects of stereotypes?
    Simplifies social reactions
  • What are the cons of stereotypes?
    Influences behaviour - We behave towards someone because of their stereotype
    Effects memory - remember positive information about the in group and negative information about the out-group
    Can lead to discrimination and prejudice
  • What are the strengths?
    Evidence of stereotypes effecting memory - Gordon Alport and Leo postman - Attacker
    Reduce prejudice - create larger social circles - merge in and out groups
  • What are the weaknesses
    Social approach is not the only explanation - Personality also plays a part - not a complete explanation