
    Subdecks (3)

    Cards (94)

    • Who conducted the classic study on divided attention in 1953?
    • What method did Cherry use to test divided attention?
    • What were participants required to do in Cherry's study?
      Repeat one of two messages
    • How were the two messages presented in Cherry's study?
      Simultaneously to both ears or one to each ear
    • What was the difficulty faced by participants in the binaural presentation?
      Separating the messages
    • What were participants unaware of in the rejected message?
      Content of the rejected message
    • What was the outcome of the dichotic presentation in Cherry's study?
      Participants could separate messages effectively
    • What specific change did participants notice in the rejected message?
      Change from speech to a tone
    • What did Galambos suggest about peripheral blocks?
      They produce rejection at the cochlea or early processing
    • Why were peripheral blocks considered unlikely to explain selective attention?
      They could only prevent limited responses
    • Where does more complex processing occur in the brain?
      In the cortex
    • What did Sharpless and Jasper demonstrate using cats?
      The importance of the auditory cortex
    • What could cats with a damaged auditory cortex still do?
      Detect differences in pitch and localization
    • What could cats not perform with a damaged auditory cortex?
      Complex discriminations between sounds
    • What did Moray suggest about the dichotic shadowing task?
      It uses a high-level cortical mechanism
    • What types of stimuli can break through the attentional barrier?
      Some specific stimuli and situations
    • What phenomenon is often attributed to Cherry?
      Cocktail party phenomenon
    • What are the key findings of Cherry's 1953 study on divided attention?
      • Shadowing method used
      • Binaural task: difficult to separate messages
      • Dichotic task: effective separation of messages
      • Unawareness of content in rejected message
      • Awareness of changes like tone or speaker's gender
    • What are the implications of Moray's observations on selective attention?
      • Certain stimuli can penetrate attentional barriers
      • Examples include:
      • Mothers hearing their children
      • Responding to one's name at a party
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