Psychology - cognitive

    Cards (18)

    • What was the aim of Study 1?
      To investigate the effect of questioning on eyewitness memory of a traffic accident.
    • What were the key findings of Experiment 1 in Study 1?
      • 55 students watched car crash films.
      • They estimated car speeds using different verbs.
      • The verb "smashed" led to the highest speed estimates.
    • What was the procedure in Experiment 2 of Study 1?
      • 156 students were asked about broken glass after watching a crash.
      • The word "smashed" led to false memories of broken glass.
    • What conclusion can be drawn from Study 1?
      The wording of questions can alter witness memories of events.
    • What was the aim of Study 2?
      To test context dependency effects on memory retrieval.
    • What was the procedure in Study 2?
      • 39 participants took part in a laboratory experiment.
      • The IV was the matching or mismatching of study and test conditions (silent/noisy).
      • Participants read meaningful material and were tested on it.
    • What were the results of Study 2 regarding noise during study and test conditions?
      The presence of noise or silence had no effect on performance.
    • What conclusion can be drawn from Study 2?
      • Performance is better in matching conditions.
      • Students benefit from studying in quiet surroundings.
    • What was the aim of Study 3?
      To investigate factors that affect attention in dichotic listening.
    • What was the procedure in Study 3?
      • Included three experiments with both males and females.
      • Experiment 1 compared memory for shadowed messages and control words.
      • Experiment 2 tested if hearing one's name affected attention.
      • Experiment 3 involved listening for numbers in shadowed messages.
    • What were the results of Study 3 regarding the shadowed message?
      Participants could not remember the content of the shadowed message.
    • What conclusion can be drawn from Study 3?
      Directing attention away blocks verbal content, but one's name can sometimes break through.
    • What was the aim of Study 5 by Simons and Chabris?
      To investigate the effect of several factors on inattentional blindness.
    • What was the procedure in Study 5?
      • Laboratory experiment with 228 participants.
      • Used independent measures design and volunteer sampling.
      • Participants observed an unexpected event while focusing on a primary task.
    • What were the results of Study 5 regarding the unexpected event?
      Approximately half of the participants failed to notice the unexpected event.
    • What conclusion can be drawn from Study 5?
      A significant number of individuals fail to notice unexpected events when engaged in a primary task.
    • What are the key assumptions of the cognitive area of psychology?
      1. Mental processes are key to understanding human behavior.
      2. The mind can be understood as an information processor.
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive area of psychology?
      • Good scientific status.
      • Extends understanding of human psychology.

      • Computer analogy breaks down.
      • Cognitive reductionism overlooks other important aspects.
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