Cards (16)

  • Who suggested the atavistic form as an explanation for offending behavior?
  • What did Lombroso argue about criminals in relation to non-criminals?

    He argued that criminals are biologically different and have an innate predisposition to behave anti-socially.
  • How did Lombroso describe criminals in terms of human evolution?

    He saw them as a more primitive form of human, less civilized than modern humans.
  • What is the term used by Lombroso to describe the physical features of criminals?

    Atavistic form
  • What type of data did Lombroso use to support his claims about atavistic features?

    Measurements from almost 4,000 criminals and skulls of nearly 400 dead criminals.
  • What are some examples of atavistic features identified by Lombroso?

    • Heavy brow
    • Large strong jaw
    • Large ears
    • Extra nipples or extra fingers/toes
  • What non-physical trait did Lombroso associate with criminals?
    Insensitivity to pain
  • What criticism did Lombroso's research face regarding scientific rigor?

    He had no control group to compare the features of criminals to.
  • Who conducted a study that compared London convicts to a control group?
  • What was Goring's conclusion regarding criminal behavior and physical appearance?

    He found no significant difference and concluded that criminal behavior is not linked to physical appearance.
  • What title is Lombroso often referred to in criminology?

    Father of modern criminology
  • How did Lombroso's approach differ from previous views on criminality?

    He attempted to use a more scientific explanation rather than a religious perspective.
  • How have ideas about criminal types evolved since Lombroso's time?

    They have become more sophisticated, with concepts like criminal personality and offender profiling emerging.
  • What did Hooton find in his study of male prisoners in the US?

    He found differences between prisoners and a control group, but the characteristics were not the same as Lombroso's atavistic features.
  • What characteristics did Hooton identify as being associated with criminals?

    Sloping foreheads, protruding ears, and narrow jaws.
  • What limitation is mentioned regarding the determination of causation in atavistic traits?
    Atavistic traits may be common among criminals but do not necessarily cause offending behavior.