Psychodynamic explanations

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  • Who initially did not consider criminal behavior in his theories?
  • What principle do psychodynamic explanations of criminal behavior adhere to?
    The roots of criminal behavior are formed in childhood
  • What does Blackburn (1993) argue about the superego and criminal behavior?
    If the superego is deficient, criminal behavior will occur due to uncontrolled id impulses
  • What are the three types of inadequate superego described by Blackburn?
    • Weak superego: Impaired ability to feel guilt due to issues between ages 4-6
    • Deviant superego: Adoption of deviant behaviors from a deviant same-sex parent
    • Harsh superego: Excessive guilt and anxiety may lead to criminal acts for punishment
  • What is displacement in the context of psychodynamic explanations?
    It is a defense mechanism where strong emotions are expressed onto a neutral person or object
  • Who proposed the maternal deprivation hypothesis?
  • What does Bowlby argue is necessary for forming meaningful relationships in adulthood?
    A warm and continuous relationship with a mother-figure during childhood
  • What is affectionless psychopathy characterized by?
    Lack of guilt, empathy, and feelings for others
  • What percentage of juvenile thieves in Bowlby's study exhibited affectionless psychopathy?
  • What did Bowlby conclude about maternal deprivation and delinquent behavior?
    Maternal deprivation caused affectionless and delinquent behavior among juvenile thieves
  • What limitation is noted regarding Bowlby's findings on maternal deprivation?
    The separation was not manipulated, so other factors may have caused delinquency
  • What is a criticism of the role of the superego in criminal behavior?
    There is little empirical evidence to support the role of the superego
  • What is a potential alternative explanation for a deviant superego?
    Genetics or differential associations could explain a deviant superego
  • What is a contradiction in the concept of an over-harsh superego?
    Most criminals try to conceal their crimes, suggesting they want to avoid punishment
  • What are the positive contributions of the psychodynamic approach to understanding offending behavior?
    • Acknowledges the vital role of childhood in development
    • First to recognize emotional factors in offending behavior
    • Addresses how anxiety and feelings of rejection contribute to criminal behavior
  • What did Farrington (2009) conclude about risk factors for offending behavior?
    Family history of criminality is the most important risk factor
  • What approach does Farrington's study support regarding explanations for offending behavior?
    An interactionist approach that combines several explanations
  • What role does the id play in criminal behavior according to psychodynamic explanations?
    The id drives impulses that can lead to criminal behavior if not controlled
  • What is the phallic stage in psychodynamic theory?
    A stage of development where identification with the same-sex parent occurs
  • What is juvenile delinquency?
    Engagement in illegal or antisocial behavior by minors
  • What methodology did Bowlby use in his 44 thieves study?
    Interviews with juvenile thieves and their families
  • What are the implications of Bowlby's findings on social policy?
    They suggest the importance of maternal relationships in preventing delinquency
  • How do emotional factors relate to criminal behavior according to the psychodynamic approach?
    Emotional factors like anxiety and rejection may contribute to offending behavior
  • What impact does poor parenting have on juvenile delinquency?
    Poor parenting is identified as a risk factor for delinquent behavior