Cards (11)

  • what Lagos is like:
    • largest city in Africa - megacity
    • modern high rise buildings
    • busy traffic system - highly polluted
    • Christian + Muslim religions
  • where Lagos is located:
    • West coast of Nigeria
    • Northern hemisphere
    • neighbouring countries - Cameroon, Benin, Chad
  • why Lagos is an important city:
    • regionally - 80% of Nigeria's industry is based in and around Lagos
    • nationally - main financial centre in west Africa
    • internationally - major international airport and seaport
  • Social opportunities created by urban growth:
    • 68% of the population have secondary education
    • healthcare is available
    • water treatment plants provide safe drinking water
    • 2 new power stations are planned to reduce the city's shortage of electricity
  • Economic opportunities created by urban growth:
    • good transport links - airport, seaport, expressway
    • hold 10% of Nigeria's population and 30% of its GDP
    • people earn more money in Lagos than in Nigeria (higher percentage of tertiary jobs)
  • Managing urban growth - slums and squatter settlements:
    • house construction cannot keep up with the population growth
    • people have been forced to build their own homes illegally
    • 66% of the population live in slums
    • settlements are densely populated
    • some homes are built on stilts
    • lack of basic facilities and sanitation
  • Providing access to services - health and education:
    • many people cannot afford good healthcare
    • free healthcare often has long ques
    • access to primary education is not universal and can be expensive
    • public schools can be congested and not good quality
    • only 1 school in Makoko slum
    • people who are unable to access school aren't able to develop skills needed later on in life
  • providing clean water, sanitation systems and energy:
    • about 40% of the city is connected to the state water supply
    • to have clean water most people buy is in bottled water from streets
    • water in the lagoon is not for drinking
    • drinking the water can lead to diseases
    • toilets are shared by 15 households
    • unreliable electricity and regular power cuts
  • reducing unemployment and crime:
    • big gap between rich and poor people
    • unemployment leads to crime for people to survive
    • Lagos suffers from armed robberies, muggings and more
    • 60% of the population lives in squatter settlements
    • without education you're forced to work in the informal sector earning less than £1 a day
  • Managing environmental issues - waste disposal, air/water pollution and congestion:
    • average resident of Lagos take over 3 hours stuck in traffic commuting
    • one of the most congested cities
    • poor links to the city - only one expressway
    • sewage runs untreated into the lagoon
    • only 40% of the rubbish is properly collected
  • Why tempo housing improves the quality of life in Lagos:
    • made from storage containers - reusing them
    • well ventilated
    • has good sanitation - clean running water
    • can be stacked up to 9 storeys high - takes up less space
    • affordable
    • constructed in 7 days
    • can last up to 50 years