Dual-aspect monism

Cards (13)

  • Dual-aspect monism
    Only one kind of ontological entity, but it has 2 aspects
  • Subjective
    Based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions
  • With dual-aspect monism, the two aspects can easily interact, which overcomes the issues with dualism
  • Dual-aspect monism is not dependant but complimentary
  • The 2 aspects in dual-aspect monism emphasise each other's qualities
  • Pauli and Jung applied the concept of a mind-brain relationship, theorising that the mental and physical are complimentary aspects of one psycho-physical reality
  • Panpsychism- the belief that there is a level of consciousness in all entities in the universe down to quantum particles
  • Panpsychism supports dual-aspect monism
  • Dual-aspect monism when eating chocolate
    1. Mental aspect: taste, texture, flavour
    2. Physical aspect: electrical and chemical changes in the brain and body
  • Mental aspects are not observable by science, and are subjective
  • Physical aspects are observable by science
  • The idea of the soul is redundant in dual-aspect monism
  • All forms of dualism, including substance dualism, are unnecessary since subjective mental life can be explained as one aspect of one underlying substance