Functionalists believe that family is an important instituation for the smooth running of society as it fulfills certain functions for the family members and wider society
Functionalists take a positive view on the benefits of family life as they suggest family is the heart of a society that functioned effectively
Functionalists focus on positives of a nuclear family that performs for indviduals and society
Reproductive function - society needs new members to survive overtime
Economic function - provide people with financial support
Educational function - society needs new members to learn their culture
Parons (1956)
Parsons updated Murdocks theory and said in modern western societies the state provided education and can perform an economic function
He believed the family had 2 functions that cannot be performed by any other instituation
Parsons functions
Nuclear family - primary socialisation: family is responsible for teaching the norms and values necessary to be part of society, mothers play expressive role (emotional) and fathers play instrumental role (breadwinners)
Nuclear family - personality stabilisation: family is always there to protect members from danger and stress, warm bath theory states family is a safe haven where one can feel secure
Criticisms of the Functionalist perspective:
Critics see functionalist perspective as outdated, unrealistic and sexist
Parsons focuses on American middle class families and ignores social class, religious and ethnic diversity
Parsons ignores alternatives to the nuclear family that can still fulfill the 2 functions, he ignores dysfunctional families where there is conflict, emotional stress, child abuse and domestic violence
Marxists and Feminists criticisms of Functionalists perspective:
Marxists are critical of nuclear family as they see it as only functional for capitalist society and that family serves interests of capitalism
Feminists see family as a way of female oppression, they criticise warm bath theory that it implies that stress men feel from work are more important than stress of women labour