Asch VE

    Cards (18)

    • What are the 3 variations?
      Group Size, Task Difficulty and Unanimity
    • What was the first variation?
      Group size on conformity
    • What is the explanation of Group Size?

      Conformity peaked at 7 participants but started to decrease over 7.
    • What was the second variation?
      Task Difficulty on conformity
    • What is the explanation of Task Difficulty?

      Lengths of lines became more similar, conformity increased due to task difficulty
    • What was the third variation?

    • What was the explanation of Unanimity?

      Dissenter states different answer, correct or incorrect, which decreased conformity
    • What is the first strength of Asch's Study?

      Lab experiment using an artificial task
    • What is the second strength of Asch's Study?
      Had a good control over extraneous variables
    • What is the third strength of Asch's Study?

      Kept the same conditions for everyone
    • What are the results of the Strengths?

      High Internal Validity due to procedure being standardised
    • What is the first weakness of Asch's Study?

      Used an Artificial Task
    • What is the second weakness of Asch's Study?

      Low external validity, leading to a lack of Mundane realism.
    • What is the third weakness of Asch's Study?

      Decrease in internal validity, lead to demand characteristics
    • What are the results of the Weakness?

      Low external validity, lacks mundane realism
    • What is Asch's Study Ethical Good?

      Helps avoid mindless destructive conformity, shows people how to non-conform and be independent
    • What is Asch's Study Ethical Issue?

      Deception, exposed to negative psychological effects (stress, anxiety, humiliation)
    • What is the Overall?

      Strengths overweighed Weakness as psychological harm was minor