Pilot studies

Cards (3)

  • The aims of piloting • Small scale trial run of an actual investigation • Only a handful of participants used • “Road Test” • Used for experiments, questionnaires or interviews • Allows the researcher to identify potential issues and to modify the design or procedure saving time and money on the actual experiment
  • The aim and details about the research is kept from participants, such as which condition of the experiment they are in or whether there is another condition. This is known as a single￾blind procedure. Any information is not revealed until the end of the study to control for the effects of demand characteristics.
  • In a double blind neither the participant nor the researcher who conducts the study is aware of the aims of the investigation. (often a third party conducts the investigation). Often used for drug trials. Treatment may be administrated to participants by someone who is independent of the investigation and who does not know which drugs are real and which are placebos. Reduce the influence of demand characteristics and investigator effect.