alternative protein foods

Cards (11)

  • What is the average nutritional composition of soya beans?
    It includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
  • What are the types of soya products?
    Tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable protein (TVP), miso, soya milk, and soy sauce.
  • What is the process of manufacturing textured vegetable protein (TVP)?
    1. Cleaning and preparing
    2. Extraction of oil
    3. Soya flour
    4. Addition of ingredients
    5. Extruded and shaped
    6. Dried, packaged, and labelled
  • What are the guidelines for preparing and cooking dried TVP?
    • Follow manufacturer’s instructions on the packet.
    • Soak in water for 15–30 minutes to reconstitute.
    • Drain the water and add it to the dish 15 minutes before the end of cooking time.
  • What are the advantages of using textured vegetable protein (TVP)?
    • Good nutritional alternative to meat
    • Good source of dietary fibre
    • Little preparation and cooking time required
    • More economical than meat
    • No shrinkage during cooking
    • Contains almost no saturated fat or cholesterol
    • Versatile with various shapes and sizes
  • What are the disadvantages of using textured vegetable protein (TVP)?
    • Inferior texture to meat (often softer)
    • Should be added near the end of cooking to avoid disintegration
    • Often bland tasting, requiring extra flavouring
  • What is the nutritional value of mycoprotein?
    It is a good source of dietary fibre, low in saturated fat, and contains no cholesterol.
  • What is the process of manufacturing mycoprotein?
    1. Fermented
    2. Addition of ingredients
    3. Harvested, purified, and dried
    4. Bound
    5. Input additives
    6. Textured and shaped
    7. Steamed
  • What are the advantages of mycoprotein?

    • Good nutritional alternative to meat
    • Good source of dietary fibre
    • Low in saturated fat and contains no cholesterol
    • Versatile with numerous products available (e.g., Quorn)
    • Lower carbon footprint than meat production
  • What are the disadvantages of mycoprotein?

    • Inferior texture to meat (often softer)
    • Should be added near the end of cooking to avoid disintegration
    • Many products not suitable for vegans due to egg content
    • Often contains added fat, salt, and flavourings
  • what are disadvantages of mycoprotein?
    •Mycoprotein products, e.g. mince, have an inferior texture to meat (often softer), so they should be added near the end of the cooking time to avoid disintegration.
    •Although they are vegetarian friendly, many mycoprotein products are not suitable for vegans due to the addition of eggs. Vegans should read ingredients lists before purchasing mycoprotein products.
    •Many mycoprotein products have added fat, salt and flavourings