Cards (14)

  • What does adrenaline do to blood gluose conc?

    increases it
  • what is adrenaline?

    a hormone
  • Where is adrenaline secreted from?

    Adrenal glands
  • What is adrenaline?

    a hormone that is secreted from the adrenal glands
  • WHere are the adrenal glands?

    just above the kidneys
  • when is adrenaline secreted?

    When there is a low concentration of glucose in the blood, when youre stressed and when you are exercising
  • what does adrenaline bind to ?

    receptors in the cell membrane of liver cells
  • WHat does adrenaline inhibit?

  • What does adrenaline activate?

  • What is glycogenolysis?

    the breakdown of glycogen to glucose
  • What is glycogenesis?

    the synthesis of glycogen from glucose
  • what does adrenaline also activate?

    glucagon secretion , inhibits insulin secretion , which increases glucose conc
  • What does adrenaline get the body ready for?

  • HOW does adrenaline get the body ready for action?

    by making more glucose available for muscles to respire