An accessible rural area is an area in the ruralperiphery that is within the commuting distance to a city. Many residents are commuters. For example, Terling, Essex.
Terling is a village in the NorthEast of London, Essex and is accessible through the Elizabeth Line and the M25 and A12 roads.
Counter - urbanisation is when people migrate out of cities.
Advantages of working in London, but living in Terling include:
receive the London Waiting (the extra money paid for working in London)
don't have to pay highhousing prices in London
easy access
live in the greenery
Disadvantages of working in London but living in Terling include:
time lost when commuting
have to pay to commute
Telford and Terling are becoming interdependent on London.
Interdependency is when what happens in one place increasingly has impacts on the other places. If two places are interdependent, they are reliant on one another.
As London and Terling are interdependent, London gives Terling paychecks, people, insurance payouts and leisure. Whilst Terling supplies London with primary goods, workers, leisure and education.