Psychodynamic Approach

    Cards (13)

    • Who is associated w the psychodynamic approach?
      Sigmun Freud
    • What is the psychodynamic approach?
      A perspective that describes different dynamics, most of which are unconscious, that operate on the mind and direct human behaviour and experience
    • Most of our behaviour n thoughts is because of our unconscious.

      The preconscious is thoughts and memories that arent consciously aware of, but can be accessed using psychotherapy etc..

      The conscious is what we are aware of
    • What are the parts of our pschye?
      Id, Superego, Ego
    • What is the ID?
      The instinctive part of us. It operates on the pleasure principle : i want it n i want it now
    • What is the superego?
      The 'conscious' part of our psyche. It operates on the morality principle, incorporating cultural norms and societal values we learn.
    • What is the ego?
      The id n superego r in constant conflict. The ego mediates between the id n superego. It operates on the reality principle. We act against it, it induces guilt.
    • What are 3 defence mechanisms n explain?
      Denial - reality is unpleasant so I don't acknowledge it.
      Repression - reality is too distressing so I push out of my conscious mind.
      Displacement - I'm angry with you but it's easier to take that anger out (verbally/physically) on something/someone else.
    • What is the purpose of defence mechanisms?
      Prevents us from being overwhelmed by temporary threats/traumas, but in long-term, they are harmful.
    • What are the 5 psychosexual stages?

      Oral (0-1y)- focus of pleasure is the mother's breasts
      Anal (1-3y) - Focus of pleasure is the anus
      Phallic (3-6y) - Focus of pleasure is the genital area
      Latency (6-12y) - earlier conflicts r repressed
      Genital (13-death) - sexual desires become conscious alongside puberty
    • Consequences of unresolved conflict of 5 psychosexual stages?

      Oral - smoking, biting nails
      Anal - Perfectionist, obsessive (anal retentive) / messy (anal expulsive)
      Phallic - narcissistic, reckless (phallic personality)
      Latency - /
      Genital - Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
    • Strengths of the psychodynamic approach?
      • Real world application - Freud introduced psychotherapy, psychoanalysis. This new therapy can access unconscious, by ex: dream analysis. Psychoanalysis claims to help bring client repressed memories into conscious mind. It is a forerunner to counselling.
      • Explanatory power- It is able to explain human behaviour n wide range of phenomena including personality disorders, moral development n gender identity. This approach is significant in linking childhood experiences n later development.
    • Limitations?
      • Untestable concepts - Not open to empirical testing. (possibility of being disproved). Freud's theories r said to occur on a unconscious level, so difficult 2 test. Also his ideas were based on the subjective study of single individuals, which is difficult 2 generalize.
      • Psychic determinism - Suggests much of our behaviour is determined by our unconscious conflicts in childhood. He believed that there is no such thing as an accident- even a 'slip of the tongue' is driven by unconscious n has a deeper meaning. This is extreme, he dismisses the influence of free will on behaviour.