Accessory Digestive Organs

Cards (38)

  • Masticate - the act of opening and closing our jaws and moving them from side to side
  • Teeth - the ones that tear and grind the food, breaking it down into smaller fragments
  • What are the two sets of teeth?
    Deciduous teeth, Permanent teeth
  • Deciduous Teeth - the first set of teeth, begin to erupt around 6 months
  • What is the other term for deciduous teeth?
    Baby Teeth
  • Permanent Teeth - the second set of teeth, enlarge and develop, have erupted by the end of adolescence
  • Third Molars - emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, sometimes they are completely absent
  • What is the other term for third molars?
    Wisdom Teeth
  • Incisors - the chisel-shaped, adapted for cutting
  • Canines - the fanglike, are for tearing or piercing
  • Premolars, Molars - have broad crowns with rounded cusps and are best suited for crushing and grinding
  • What are the two major regions of the tooth?
    Crown, Root
  • Crown - the exposed part of the tooth above the gum
  • What is the other term for gums?
  • Enamel - a ceramic-like substance as thick as a dime, that bears the force of chewing
  • Root - the portion of the tooth embedded in the jawbone
  • Neck - a region that connects the root and crown
  • Cement - the outer surface of the root is covered by a substance, which attaches the tooth to a ligament
  • Periodontal Ligament - holds the tooth in place in the bony jaw
  • Dentin - a bonelike material that underlines the enamel and forms the bulk of the tooth
  • Pulp Cavity - surrounded by the dentin, contains a number of structures (connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers)
  • Pulp - the collective term for the connective tissue, blood vessels and nerve fibers, which supplies nutrients to the tooth tissue, and provides sensations
  • Root Canal - where the pulp cavity extends into, which provides a route for blood vessels, nerves, etc. to enter the pulp cavity
  • How many permanent tooth in full set during adulthood?
    32 teeth
  • What are the three pairs of salivary glands?
    Parotid glands, Submandibular Glands, Sublingual Glands
  • Saliva - product of the salivary glands, and is a mixture of mucus and serous fluid
  • Bolus - the mass product after the binding process of food together
  • Salivary Amylase - the clear serous portion that contains an enzyme, which begins the process of starch digestion in the mouth
  • Pancreas - a soft, pink, triangular gland that extends across the abdomen from the spleen to the duodenum
  • Pancreas - produces enzymes that break down all categories of digestible foods
  • Pancreas - produces the hormones insulin and glucagon
  • Liver - the largest gland in the body, located under the diaphragm, more to the right side of the body
  • How many lobes there are in the liver?
    4 lobes
  • Liver - has many critical metabolic and regulatory roles; its digestive function is to produce bile
  • Bile - is a yellow-to-green, watery solution
  • What are to contents of the bile?
    Bile Salts, Bile Pigments, Cholesterol, Phospholipids, Electrolytes
  • Gallbladder - a small, thin-walled green sac that snuggles in a shallow fossa
  • Enamels - the hardest substance in the body and is fairly brittle because it is heavily mineralized with calcium salts