whether the test appears (at face value) to measure what it claims, hence, it is subjective.
leastsophisticatedmeasure of validity - tests where the purpose is clear, even to naiverespondents, are said to have high face validity.
predictive validity
the degree to which a test accuratelyforecasts a futureoutcome on a more broadly related topic - do the findingsapply in different and more varied situations?
content validity
this objectively checks whether the method of measuring behaviour is accurate and decides whether it is a fair test which achieves the aims of the study.
this can be carried out by asking an expert in that specific area of behaviour to check if the test is valid.
concurrent validity
validating a measurement by comparing it with an established one that has known validity.
if there are similar scores on both measurements, there is concurrent validity.
construct validity
assesses the extent that a testmeasures the target construct.
it is achieved by checking the existing definitions of the behaviour being studied and redesigning the test if it measures a different construct.