Cards (11)

    1. Acetyl CoA combines with 4C molecule to form a 6C molecule and the COA returns to the link reaction
    A) 4 carbon molecule
    B) 6 carbon molecule
    C) acetyl COA
    D) COA
  • 2. This molecule is decarboxylated to a 5C molecule and CO2 is released 
    A) 6 carbon molecule
    B) 5 carbon molecule
    C) CO2
  • In total, three turns of the citric acid cycle generate six molecules of NADH + H+ and two molecules of FADH2.
  • 3. NAD is reduced 
    A) NAD
    B) NADH
  • 4. The 5C molecule is decarboxylated again to a 4C molecule and another CO2 is released 
    A) 5 carbon molecule
    B) 4 carbon molecule
    C) CO2
  • 5. Another NAD is reduced 
    A) NAD
    B) NADH
  • 6. The 4C compound is converted to a new 4C compound 
  • 7. ATP is made, NAD is reduced and FAD is reduced 
    A) ADP
    B) ATP
    C) FAD
    D) FADH
    E) NAD
    F) NADH
  • 8. This is converted back to the original 4C molecule
    A) original 4 carbon molecule
  • Other respiratory substances include the breakdown of lipids and amino acids which enter the Krebs cycle
  • Glucose is not a substrate for the Krebs cycle because its broken down in glycolysis and glucose cannot cross mitochondrial membranes.