PDA: The Tripartite Structure of the Personality

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    • Freud argued that our psyche is separated into 3 distinct parts, which often work against each other, which explains why we are torn in our decision making.
    • The id
      Works on the 'pleasure principle' this is the instinctive of seeking of pleasure and avoiding pain. this drives the id. The id deals with feelings and is hedonistic. It is formed from birth-18 months.
      The id is unconcious
    • The ego
      Works on the 'reality principle' this means it balances the id and superego; considering the risks and possible outcomes of our behaviour then making decisions. The ego temporarily halts the id's energy until a suitable time and place. It is formed between 18 months - 3 years.
      The ego is in the conscious part of the mind.
    • The superego
      Works on the 'morality principle' this means it motivates us to behave in a socially responsible and acceptable manner. The superego can make a person feel guilty if rules are not followed it is based on parental and societal values. It is formed between 3-6 years.
      The superego is unconscious.
    • Freud believes that these three parts of the personality are in constant conflict with each other
      The ego needed to be strong enough to manage the conflict of the other parts of the psyche. If ego gives in too readily to ID or superego then it could lead to mental health issues such as stress and anxiety.