bacteria and virus

Cards (8)

  • structure of virus
    smaller and simpler than bacteria
    have a nucleic acid enclosed by a protein coat
  • viruses do not have the ability to reproduce and grow on their own so must enter a host cell
  • viruses take over a cell and disrupt the normal cell activity
  • how does a virus grow and replicate 

    attaches to host cell
    virus inserts nucleic acid
    the nucleic acid replicates
    viral protein coat is synthesised
    new virus particles form
    virus particles are released by cell lysis
  • some viruses have an outer envelope taken by host's cell membrane
  • an example of an enveloped virus is HIV
  • what are the purpose of virus attachment proteins
    used to bind to complementary receptor proteins on surface of host cells
  • distinguish between the structure of bacteria and a virus 

    virus has a protein coat bacteria does not
    bacteria are cells virus are not
    bacteria have circular DNA while virus has linear or circular DNA