Law made by someperson or body other than Parliament, but with the authorityof Parliament.
What does the Enabling Act create?
It creates the framework of the law and then delegates power to others to make more detailed law in the area.
Give an example of an enabling Act.
Police and Criminal EvidenceAct 1984 - gives the Home Secretary powers to make Codes of Practice for the use of police powers.
What are the three different types of delegated legislation?
Orders in Council, Statutory instruments and By-laws.
What is The Privy Council made up of?
The Prime Minister andother leading members ofthe government.
Orders in council effectively allows the government to do what?
make laws without going through Parliament.
What four matters is Orders in Council made on?
transferring responsibility between governmentdepartments, bringing Acts of Parliamentinto force, dealing with some aspectsof foreign affairs, making law in timesof national emergency whenParliament is not sitting.
Reasons for delegated legislation.
Detailed law
Expert Knowledge
Local Knowledge
Who makes Statutory Instruments?
government ministers
Who makes Orders in Council?
Government departments and the King and Privy.
Who makes ByLaws?
local authorities
Give three examples of statutory instruments.
examples of statutory instruments are:
Building regulations 2010
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
National Minimum Wage Act1998
Coronavirus Act 2020
Two examples it Orders in Council are
Energy Act 1976 - fuel crisis
Misuse of Drugs Act1971
What are the two types of Bylaws And some examples.
Localby-laws-> traffic control Local Government Act1982Technicalby-laws -> public corporations and certain companies - SWR , TransportAct2000