cognitive pt1

Cards (9)

  • what does cognitive mean?

    The term cognitive means mental processes. This approach focuses on how our mental processes (thoughts, perceptions, attention) affect our behaviour.
  • assumptions of this approach-

    -internal mental processes should be studied scientifically
    -mental processes are private and cannot be observed, therefore cognitive approach makes inferences about how people are thinking.
  • What is a schema?
    a framework of beliefs and expectation that influence cognitive processing. They are developed from experience.
  • Role schema=

    Information on how we should act in our particular role e.g being a son or daughter.
  • Self schema=

    Information we hold on ourself which affects the decisions we make
  • event schemas=

    Information about how to behave at different events/places
  • person schema=

    Information we hold about other people. This helps us predict their behaviour.
  • what do schemas help us do?

    process lots of information quickly, interpret the world us and navigate novel situations.
  • Example of schemas..
    Allport and Postman(1947)- showed a photo
    -most remembered the razor being in the Black man's hand
    This was due to racial stereotypes at the time of the study. Stereotypes are a type of schema. This shows us that schemas don't always lead to accurate recall.