14.6 Reflexes

Cards (13)

  • Reflexes help perverse homeostasis by enabling to respond rapidly to changes in internal/external environment
  • A reflex is an immediate involuntary motor response to a specific stimulus 
  • The neural wiring of a single reflex is called a reflex arc
  • Reflex arc begins at receptors, ends at peripheral effector
  • Steps of the reflex arc
    • One: Stimulation and activation of receptor 
    • Two: Activation of a sensory neuron 
    • Three: Information processing the central nervous system 
    • Four: Activation of a motor neuron 
    • Five: Response by effector
  • Classification of Reflexes. Compares four different criteria used to classify reflexes: 
    • Development 
    • Response 
    • Complexity of circuit 
    • Processing site 
  • Classification of Reflexes. In simplest reflex arc, a monosynaptic reflex, a sensory neuron synapses directly on motor neuron
  • Classification of Reflexes. Polysynaptic reflex is more complex and has a longer delay between the stimulus and response
  • Classification of Reflexes. Spinal Reflexes. Best known spinal reflex is the stretch reflex
  • Classification of Reflexes. Spinal Reflexes. Stretch reflex, simple monosynaptic reflex providing automatic regulation of skeletal muscle length
  • Classification of Reflexes. Spinal Reflexes. Most familiar stretch reflex is patellar reflex
  • Classification of Reflexes. Spinal Reflexes. Postural reflex, reflex that maintains normal upright posture
  • Classification of Reflexes. Higher Centers and Integration of Reflexes. Reflexive motor activity occur automatically without instructions