
Cards (8)

  • Correlational Studies - Strengths:
    • Finding a correlation between 2 co-variables may suggest the need for further research.
    • Can use secondary data so it is fairly easy to conduct.
    • No need to manipulate variables or a controlled environment.
  • Correlational Studies - Weaknesses:
    • Studies can only tell us if there is a relationship but not why.
    • Another variable may actually be causing the relationship.
  • Correlation does not mean one variable caused the other to change.
    There are 3 possible explanations:
    1. Causality - One variable caused the other to change.
    2. Chance - Variables just happen to be related.
    3. Third factor involved - Another variable is causing the relationship.
  • No Correlation:
    • The two variables are not related at all.
    • Anything measured close to 0 on the correlation coefficient shows zero correlation.

    r = - 0.02 shows no correlation
    r = +0.06 shows no correlation
  • Negative Correlation:
    • As one variable increases, the other variable being measured decreases.
    • Anything measured below 0 on the correlation coefficient shows a negative correlation.
    r = - 0.2 shows a weak negative correlation.
    r - - 0.09 shows a strong negative correlation.
  • Positive Correlation:
    • Means both variables move in the same direction.
    • As one increases, the other value also increases (or they both decrease).
    • Anything measured above 0 in the correlation coefficient shows a positive correlation.
    r = +/- 0.2 is a weak positive correlation.
    r = +/- 0.9 is a strong positive correlation.
  • Correlation Coefficient:
    • Correlations can be represented mathematically as a correlation coefficient.
    • This is a number between +1 and -1 and is represented by the letter r.
    • A correlation is a technique that measures whether or not there is a relationship between two variables.
    • The independent variable is not manipulated.
    • It can be a research method in its own right or can be used to analyse data gathered from another method.
    • Correlation is typically shows graphically and in a numerical representation (correlation coefficient).