Part 5: Sport/Exercise Psych = Social Psych of Sport/Ex

Cards (12)

  • What is “Social” Psychology?
    • “The how & whys of human social behaviour”
    • Social meaning with & against or in presence of other human beings
    • Influences our thinkings to some degree
    • Others have an influence on you
  • Theoretical Perspectives in Social Psychology:
    1. Psychoanalytic theories
    2. "Homo valen -- a striving human"
    3. B = f (P)
    4. Behavioural theories
    5. "Homo mechanicus -- a reactive human"
    6. B = f (E)
    7. Cognitive theories
    8. “Homo sapien - a thinking human”
    9. B = f (P x E)
  • Psychoanalytic Theories (eg., Freud, 1908):
    • "Homo valen -- a striving human"
    • To honour our instincts
    • Unconscious, inner urges expressed as drives & emotions; esp. the libido, as it acts as a motivational force
    • Determined sex drive, part of human life drives our actions (instincts), a motivation force
    • Instinct to survive, but also nurturing & caring for offspring/others (contradictory to themselves)
    • Something else must be going on, to act on one & not the other
  • Psychoanalytic Theories (eg., Freud, 1908):
    • B = f (P)
    • B = behaviour
    • Behaviour is function of person (P)
    • Being inner urges, drives that drive their behaviour, make them as a person
    • Different shifts over time on how social psych works
    • Still important & useful to a point
    • Trying to analyse what's going on in a person's thinking (psychoanalytic)
    • Not explaining wars etc
  • Behavioural Theories (eg., Pavlov, 1928; Skinner, 1954):
    • "Homo mechanicus -- a reactive human"
    • We are a machine & we react
    • B = f (E)
    • Train dogs to respond to a sound
    • Stop giving treats, trained them to expect something (treats)
    • Driven by something in environment
    • What you are taught, what you take on board
  • Behavioural Theories (eg., Pavlov, 1928; Skinner, 1954):
    • Like a complex computer the individual is programmed to react in a consistent manner to certain kinds of input from the social environment; minimal thought involved
    • Hardware (what came with it - P) + software (things you add such as apps - E)
    • You’re born with this stuff (P) - nature, either got it or you don’t
    • Nature vs nurture
    • Can reward you for stuff that is good, to shape who you are (E) - nurture
    • Others has some influence on us
    • Got instincts, what one to adhere to or be directed by (& in what situations)
  • Cognitive Theories (eg., Bandura, 2002; Lewin, 1938):
    • “Homo sapien - a thinking human”
    • An individual ‘thinks’ about the social environment, but also brings their own motives, goals, beliefs & values to every situation
    • A complex interaction of the person interpreting the social environment leads to behaviour - emphasis is on perception
    • Hardware (P) + Software (E) + user
    • You still choose what you do
  • Cognitive Theories (eg., Bandura, 2002; Lewin, 1938):
    • B = f (P x E)
    • Most contemporary theories in social psych are cognitive theories; for example ____ Theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986) - (cf. ‘sociology’ of sport)
    • Thinking theories
    • Think about social environment we find ourselves in
    • Can be driven by experiences in past
  • Theories:
    • The principles of how & why it works
    • To help fix, improve it practically
    • Use info learnt to be better in practical sense
    • Psychoanalytic = about you, what you bring as a person
    • Only part of the picture
    • Nature
    • Behavioural = what you learn, the impact of the environment around you & your experience
    • Stuff around us in social environment impact what you think
    • Most of these theories, ignored person stuff
    • That person still think for self
    • Nurture
    • Cognitive = the 2 interacting together
    • About thinking (person + environment)
    • Person being influenced to an extend by social environment
    • Have a choice, so influenced to some degree by things/others around you
    • Nature + nurture (both important)