Wiring devices - Single discrete units of electrical distribution systems which intend to carry but not utilize electric energy.
Wiring Devices - Are electric devices that is used to control and provide connection points for low voltage outlets, lighting systems, and appliances.
PEC - Philippine Electrical Code
NEC - National Electrical Code
Device - A unit of of an electrical system that is intended to carry, not utilize energy
Types of Wiring Devices:
Conductors - Substance or body that is capable of transimitting energy
3 Types of Conductors:
Bare Conductor
Covered Conductor
Insulated Conductor
Bare Conductor - Conductor with NO insulation.
Covered Conductor - Conductor with insulation but the insulation is not recognized by the code as an electrical insulation.
Insulated Conductor - A conductor that is insulated and its insulation is recognized by the code as an electrical insulation.
Switch - Device for making, breaking, or rearranging the connections of an electrical circuit.
Types of Switch:
Single Switch
Three-way Switch
Four-Way Switch
Timer Switch
Sensor Switch
Dimmer Switch
Single Switch - Most commonly used to control one or more lights from a single location.
Three-way switch - A single switch having 3 terminals.
Four-way Switch - An electrical switch in which a light may be turned off in 3 or more places.
Timer Switch - Switch device that can be set to turn off at a certain time.
Sensor Switch - Senses heat, light, sound, etc. Then it reacts to it.
Dimmer switch - Allows you to control the brightness of the light.
Receptacles - Contacting devices installed at an outlet for connection
Types of Receptacle:
Duplex Receptacle
Straight Blade Receptacle
Floor Box Receptacle
TR Receptacles - Have a built in shutters that need to have equal pressure from both prongs in order to fit inside.
Duplex Receptacle is the same as TR Receptacle.
Straight Blade Receptacles - Cover the full range of residential, hospital, industrial, construction, and commercial grades to meet any application.
Floor Box Receptacle - An electrical outlet set flush with a floor are the ideal solution for your convenience for your residential needs.
Contactor - Are electromagnetically operated switches that provide a safe and convenient means for connecting and interrupting branch circuits.
Relays - Are used as auxiliary devices to switch control circuits and large motor starter and contactor coils.
Wiring devices are defined as single discrete units of electrical distribution systems which are intended to carry but not utilize electric energy.
Wiring devices are electical devices used to control and to provide connection points for low voltage outlets, lighting systems and appliances.
PEC - Philippine Electrical Code
Device - A unit of an electrical system that is intended to carry or control but not utilize electric energy.
Path Devices - Devices which serve as path of elecrical current of the wiring system like wire conductor and all parts of the ciruit that has a low resistance.
Control Devices are devices which can regulate the flow of current.
Control Devices - They can make or break the circuit.
Lighting Switches are common examples of control devices
Fault Devices are devices which can immediately detect any fault in the wiring system.
Switches - These are electrical components that can disconnect or connect the conducting path in an electrical circuit, interrupting the electric current or diverting it from one conductor to another.
Relays are switching devices used in any control circuit for checkinga condition or multiplying the number of contacts available.
A relay consists of at least two contacts and an excitation coil
Relays are used for switching of control circuits and cannot be used for power switching with relatively higher ampacity.