Fundamentals of Food Preparation and Service

Cards (11)

  • What is the definition of food service?
    Food service is the art and science of planning, preparing, cooking, and serving quality and safe meals in large quantities.
  • How do food establishments differ?
    Food establishments differ in terms of location, shapes and sizes, orientation, physical structure, and policies.
  • What are the two main types of food service operations?
    • Commercial food service
    • Institutional food service
  • Why are commercial food services referred to as "market oriented"?
    Because of the high spending of customers on food and beverages outside the home.
  • What are some examples of commercial food service operations?
    1. Quick-service restaurants
    2. Limited-service restaurants
    3. Full-service restaurants
    4. Banquets catering
  • What are some examples of institutional food service operations?
    1. Healthcare institutions
    2. Educational institutions
    3. Canteens
    4. Cafeterias
    5. Cruise ships
    6. Transportation terminals
    7. Hotel restaurants and room service
    8. Clubs
    9. Vending machines
  • What is the temperature danger zone for food safety?
    The temperature danger zone is between 5°C and 60°C.
  • What is the purpose of kitchen design and layout?
    It is a specific and detailed plan and arrangement of different areas in the kitchen.
  • What are the specific conditions required for kitchen structures?
    1. Walls, partitions, and floors made of impervious materials.
    2. Smooth surface for walls and partitions.
    3. Adequate drainage and cleaning for floors.
    4. Ceilings and overhead fixtures that minimize dirt build-up.
    5. Non-absorbent surfaces for doors.
    6. Working surfaces that are durable, easy to maintain, and non-absorbent.
  • What is the kitchen work triangle?
    The kitchen work triangle is formed by three primary workstations.
  • What are the different types of kitchen layouts?
    1. One-wall kitchen
    2. Two-wall kitchen
    3. L-shaped kitchen
    4. U-shaped kitchen
    5. Island or peninsula kitchen